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Log Diary

By: Ana María Blanco, Gloriana Blanco, Mariana García and Sofía Richmond.

AA Visting School, Atitlán. 

Architecture School, Universidad de Costa Rica.


Landscape can be read by tracing different data, that combined with alternative perspectives, like aerial views, sounds and text: could build something else other than simply a postcard image.

Our role as researchers or more accurately as “visitors” became evident in the way we took Lake Atitlán as data that can be traced, registered, recorded and collected through drones, cameras, smartphones, apps and software.

To present the violent play between the observer and the one being observed, ended up being the object of study.

Who watches the Watchman?

Estas secuencias de imágenes deben ser tomadas como exploraciones, como acercamientos al objeto de estudio en cuestión por parte de las autoras, no como un resultado final.

El trabajo se produjo en el marco del workshop de la AA Visiting School en el Lago Atitlán, Guatemala y fue financiado por la Universidad de Costa Rica.



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